Happy December, all!
Welcome to my shiny new website! This site is still a bit of a work in progress, so there should be some changes coming in the next few months, some bigger, some smaller.
I’ve decided to enter the world of blogging. I’ll be aiming to update this space once or twice a week—I’ll see what sort of a schedule I settle into. This will be my space to provide updates on my writing career, as well as my unsolicited opinions on various books, music, games, or whatever does or doesn’t take my fancy at that moment.
You can either read my posts on the website or, if you prefer, click through to the wordpress site where you can leave comments. I’ll post to my Facebook page and my twitter whenever I put up a new post.
I’ll leave this greetings at that for the moment. I’ll provide an update on what I’ve been doing, particularly with my writing, at some point in the next couple of days.